In each CLIMBER’S PATH film

Mountaineering instructor Henry Castle, ascends one of Britain’s most iconic rock climbs, demonstrating as he goes, the route he’s taking, the techniques he’s using, and the safety gear he’s placing.

The films are endorsed by the Association of Mountaineering Instructors.



For those new to outdoor climbing, moving up a grade, or exploring new sites, we show how a professional climber tackled a route you’re thinking of trying yourself.

The beautiful cinematic films are interwoven with graphics - animating the route taken, and labelling the safety gear as it’s placed.



Are some of Britain’s most famous. Routes like Crackstone Rib, the Chee Tor Girdle, and Moonraker.

All legendary, but none at the extreme grades only climbable by the very few.

Instead, the routes covered range from S to E1. The grades climbed by most of Britain’s recreational climbers.



Each climb is supplied in a “Climber’s Path Pack” containing:

  • Cinematic film of the entire climb - streamed online.

  • Directions - to its location.

  • Rack Used - listed in full detail.

  • “Offline Rucksack” - extensive topos from the filmed climb, downloadable to most phones.